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Donview interactive white board Man hinh cam ung 70 inches Màn hinh cảm ứng đa điểm 70 inches màn hình cảm ứng  65 inches Thiết bị trình chiếu Wifi ( Wireless) Bang  tuong tac Einstruction board smartboard 6065 Smarboard 5065 Labdisc globisens

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Công Nghệ Cảm Ứng điện từ

Đăng lúc: 23-11-2014 02:58:16 PM - Lượt xem: 1847

What is Touch Screen Technology? Touchscreen technology is the direct manipulation type gesture based technology. Direct manipulation is the ability to manipulate digital world inside a screen without the use of command-line-commands. A device which works on touchscreen technology is coined as Touchscreen. A touchscreen is an electronic visual display capable of ‘detecting’ and effectively ‘locating’ a touch over its display area. It is sensitive to the touch of a human finger, hand, pointed finger nail and passive objects like stylus. Users can simply move things on the screen, scroll them, make them bigger and many more.

Types of Touchscreen Technology
Let us now give an engineer’s eye to this revolutionary technology. A touchscreen is a 2 dimensional sensing device made of 2 sheets of material separated by spacers. There are four main touchscreen technologies:
1)      Resistive
2)      Capacitive
3)      Surface Acoustic Wave
4)      Infrared
Resistive Touchscreen Technology
The resistive touchscreen consists of a flexible top layer made of Polyethylene (PET) and a rigid bottom layer made of glass. Both the layers are coated with a conducting compound called Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) and then spaced with spacers. While the monitor is operational, an electric current flows between the two layers. When a touch is made, the flexible screen presses down and touches the bottom layer. A change in electrical current is hence detected and the coordinates of the point of touch is calculated by the controller and parsed into readable signals for the operating system to react accordingly.  

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